Please take time to check these items in and around your home and attend to any that need maintenance. * Lawn preparation-use a fall fertilizer, we recommend contacting a professional contractor for both maintenance and fertilizing issues. * If sump pump was installed, make sure pump turns on and off and float is adjusted. * Clean and test smoke alarms. * Change or clean the furnace filter. * Operate the heating system. * Adjust registers and confirm that cold air returns are clear of furniture or draperies. * Clean the humidifier per manufacturer’s instructions. Purchasing a service contractor may be available through Apollo Heating for above items. Telephone # 518-355-0433 * Drain your sprinkler system. * Remove hoses from exterior faucets. “Freeze proof” faucets will suffer a broken water line if the water in the hose freezes and expands into the pipe. * Inspect chimney for nests. (if applicable) * Review safe fireplace operation. Provide professional cleaning at regular intervals. * Clean gutters, check downspouts; confirm that splash blocks drain away from the house. * Check ground around foundation and yard for settling; fill in as needed for positive drainage. * After snowfall, brush snow off gutters and away from downspouts. * Make sure snow is away from all door sills. * Remove ice and snow from concrete as soon as possible; avoid using de-icing agents with damaging salts. * On pleasant days, open windows to allow house to breathe. * Decorate safely for the holidays. Do not overload circuits or use worn extension cords. Sincerely, Amedore Homes, Inc.